Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Ruby Bridges Vocabulary Examples

We watched a video about Ruby Bridges and looked for examples/evidence of our vocabulary words from last week and this week! The students identified and shared some accurate examples of the words used or displayed in the video.

Ruby went to an all white school. 
The black people believed in it.

The mob didn't want to integrate.
The parents wanted segregation so the teachers were segregating too.

Mrs. Henry and the U.S. Marshal's treated Ruby with equality.
The Dr. is treating Ruby and her family with equality.
The church says they have the same rights as the white people.  

The crowd was prejudice to Ruby.
Bob is not prejudice.

Ruby's dad lost his job because he was colored.  
The white people of the school left because Ruby was colored.
Some people were calling Ruby a negro.
There was an angry mob just because Ruby was black.

People were treating Ruby really unfairly because there was a angry mob.
The angry mob was not going to let her in.

Ruby was brave to go to a all white school. 
Ruby going to school without her mom for the first time.
Ruby walked through a big angry mob.

Colored were treated unfairly at school. 
It's injustice that Ruby's family can't go to the store across the street from their house.
Black people weren't able to go to white schools.

Mrs. Henry respected Ruby even though she was black. 
Bob is tolerant to Ruby's family.
Mrs. Henry was giving Ruby special attention.

Marshals had control over Ruby, her mom, her dad, and over their house.
The U.S. Marshals have authority.

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